With a passion for understanding how the human mind works, I use my expertise as a Indian psychologist to help individuals nurture and develop their mental abilities to realize lifelong dreams. I am Dr Manju Antil working as a Counseling Psychologist and Psychotherapist at Wellnessnetic Care, will be your host in this journey. I will gonna share psychology-related articles, news and stories, which will gonna help you to lead your life more effectively. So are you excited? Let go

Ladies, if you've ever been ghosted by a man, read this! Why man do ghosting in relationship| Psychologist talk| Dr Manju Antil| Wellnessnetic Care

Ghosted by a guy sucks, right? No call, no text, not even an email to say, 'Thanks but no thanks.' It can knock your self-confidence and make you wonder what you did wrong. But I'm here to tell you that being ghosted by a guy can be a lifesaver. When a guy suddenly disappears on you, he's actually doing you a favour. Let me explain...

First of all, here's a harsh but honest truth: he's clearly not into you. It was never going to work out. (And that's his loss, not yours.) If a guy can just drop you without a second thought, then he's clearly not the high-quality man you deserve. And in fact, by vanishing without a trace, he's saving you a lot of heartache and headache in the long run.

You're worth a man who will cherish you and treat you like a precious jewel, not a little boy who doesn't have the emotional capacity to talk about his feelings and be honest with you.

You don't have time for these types of guys. Imagine if you'd wasted more of your precious time and energy on an unworthy man! Now that would be a real tragedy. Eventually, he would have shown his true colours, you'd realise he's not the man for you, and you'd have to do the work of removing him from your life.

Instead, he's taken himself out of the equation, leaving you free to redirect your attention toward looking after yourself and your goals. Use this time to fill your cup. Be so busy and obsessed with your own life that you don't have time to worry about why he scurried off.

When you're focused on your own projects and taking care of yourself, you shine with confidence and power. You know you're a treasure, and you sparkle like a rare diamond. And when you radiate self- confidence, you magnetise everything you want toward you - money, success, and yes, men.

High-value men recognise a woman who knows her worth, and they'll be drawn to you like moths to your sexy, luxurious flame. And then you get to pick and choose a man who will make you feel like a million bucks. Now, doesn't that sound better than obsessively checking your phone every five minutes to see if a guy has bothered to get in touch?

Ladies, if a guy ghosts you, don't waste a single thought on him. Be grateful he's gone, say, 'Thank you, next,' and remember that you deserve to be cherished and valued for the high-value Queen you are.

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