With a passion for understanding how the human mind works, I use my expertise as a Indian psychologist to help individuals nurture and develop their mental abilities to realize lifelong dreams. I am Dr Manju Antil working as a Counseling Psychologist and Psychotherapist at Wellnessnetic Care, will be your host in this journey. I will gonna share psychology-related articles, news and stories, which will gonna help you to lead your life more effectively. So are you excited? Let go

what is impostor syndrome? Experiencing Impostor Syndrome? Dr Manju Antil| Wellnessnetic care

Impostor syndrome refers to a psychological pattern where an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud" despite evidence of their success. People experiencing impostor syndrome often attribute their achievements to luck or external factors rather than their own abilities. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a fear of being "found out."

It's important to recognize that impostor syndrome is common, especially among high-achieving individuals. Some signs of impostor syndrome include:

1. Feeling like you don't deserve your accomplishments.
2. Fear that others will discover you're not as competent as they think you are.
3. Minimizing your achievements and attributing them to luck or timing.
4. Overworking to prove your worth.
5. Feeling anxious or stressed about not meeting expectations.

If you're experiencing impostor syndrome, you're not alone! It's a common feeling of inadequacy despite evidence of success. Here are a few tips:

1. **Recognize it**: Acknowledge that what you're feeling is impostor syndrome. It's a real thing that many high-achieving individuals experience.

2. **Talk about it**: Share your feelings with trusted friends, family, or a mentor. Often, they can provide perspective and reassurance.

3. **Focus on facts**: Remind yourself of your achievements and the evidence of your capabilities. Write down your successes and revisit them when you're feeling doubtful.

4. **Normalize failure**: Understand that everyone makes mistakes and has setbacks. It's a part of learning and growing.

5. **Challenge negative thoughts**: When you start doubting yourself, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself for evidence to support or refute those feelings.

6. **Seek support**: Consider therapy or counseling if these feelings persist and significantly impact your well-being or work.

 If you recognize these feelings in yourself, it's essential to remember that you are not alone, and many successful people struggle with impostor syndrome. Strategies to cope with impostor syndrome include recognizing and challenging negative thoughts, seeking support from friends or mentors, and focusing on your strengths and achievements.

Remember, feeling like an impostor doesn't mean you are one. It often comes from a place of high standards and a drive to succeed.

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what is impostor syndrome? Experiencing Impostor Syndrome? Dr Manju Antil| Wellnessnetic care

Impostor syndrome refers to a psychological pattern where an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent fear o...

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