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10 Things You Don't Realize You're Doing Because of High Functioning Anxiety| Unveiling the Hidden Signs of High Functioning Anxiety and How It Impacts Your Life

Uncover the 10 subtle behaviours that often go unnoticed, caused by high-functioning anxiety. Gain insights into how these behaviours affect your daily life and discover strategies to cope effectively.


Living with high-functioning anxiety can be a complex and challenging experience. While it may not always manifest in obvious ways, it can still have a significant impact on your daily life. In this article, we will explore 10 things you may not realize you're doing because of high-functioning anxiety. By shedding light on these behaviours, we aim to foster a better understanding of how stress affects you and provide helpful strategies to manage its impact effectively.

Things You Don't Realize You're Doing Because of High-Functioning Anxiety

1. Constant Need for Control

High-functioning anxiety often leads to a persistent desire to maintain control over every aspect of life. This need for control can manifest in various ways, such as excessive planning, micromanaging, or struggling with unexpected changes. The underlying fear of failure or disappointing others fuels this behaviour.

2. Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis

People with high-functioning anxiety have a tendency to overthink and analyze situations excessively. They may find themselves caught in a loop of endless "what if" scenarios, which can hinder decision-making and create unnecessary stress.

3. Seeking Perfection

Striving for perfection is a common trait among individuals with high-functioning anxiety. They set unrealistically high standards for themselves and feel immense pressure to meet or exceed them. This drive for perfection can lead to self-criticism, excessive self-monitoring, and fear of making mistakes.

4. Difficulty Saying "No"

Due to a fear of disappointing others or being seen as incapable, individuals with high-functioning anxiety often struggle to say "no" when faced with additional responsibilities or requests. This can result in overwhelming workloads and a lack of personal boundaries.

5. Chronic Overachievement

High-functioning anxiety can fuel a constant need to prove oneself, often resulting in chronic overachievement. These individuals may take on more than they can handle, push themselves to exhaustion, and neglect self-care in pursuit of external validation.

6. Relentless Self-Doubt

Despite their outward competence, individuals with high-functioning anxiety frequently experience intense self-doubt. They may constantly question their abilities, second-guess decisions, and fear being exposed as fraud.

7. Difficulty Relaxing

Relaxation and downtime can be challenging for those with high-functioning anxiety. They may struggle to quiet their racing thoughts and find it difficult to fully unwind and enjoy leisure activities without feeling guilty or anxious about unfinished tasks.

8. Persistent Need for Reassurance

The constant need for reassurance is another telltale sign of high-functioning anxiety. These individuals often seek validation from others to alleviate their fears and insecurities. They may excessively seek approval, constantly ask for feedback, or doubt their own judgment without external confirmation.

9. Fear of Failure

Failure is a significant source of anxiety for those with high-functioning anxiety. They may be driven by a deep fear of not meeting their own or others' expectations. This fear can lead to avoidance of challenging situations, procrastination, and missed opportunities for growth.

10. Dismissing Their Anxiety

Ironically, individuals with high-functioning anxiety often downplay or dismiss their own anxiety. They may believe that since they can "function" relatively well, they don't have a legitimate reason to seek help or support. This self-minimization can hinder their ability to address and manage their anxiety effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can high-functioning anxiety lead to burnout?

A: Yes, high-functioning anxiety can contribute to burnout due to constant pressure and self-imposed expectations. It's essential to recognize the signs of burnout and prioritize self-care.

Q: Can high-functioning anxiety be mistaken for perfectionism?

A: High-functioning anxiety and perfectionism often go hand in hand, as they share similar traits. However, anxiety encompasses a broader range of symptoms and can have a more pervasive impact on daily life.

Q: Are there effective coping strategies for high-functioning anxiety?

A: Absolutely! Engaging in stress-reducing activities, seeking therapy or counselling, practising mindfulness, and developing a support network can all be helpful in managing high-functioning anxiety.

Q: Is high-functioning anxiety a recognized mental health condition?

A: While high-functioning anxiety is not an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), it is a term often used to describe individuals who experience anxiety but appear to function well in their everyday lives.

Q: Can high-functioning anxiety affect relationships?

A: Yes, high-functioning anxiety can impact relationships by creating communication barriers, excessive worry, and difficulties in expressing emotions. Open and honest communication is crucial in navigating these challenges.

Q: How can I support someone with high-functioning anxiety?

A: Providing a safe and understanding environment, actively listening without judgment, and encouraging professional help are essential ways to support someone with high-functioning anxiety.


High-functioning anxiety may not always be apparent on the surface, but its impact on individuals' lives can be significant. By recognizing the hidden signs and understanding how anxiety manifests, you can take proactive steps to manage its effects effectively. Remember, seeking support and practising self-care are crucial in finding balance and living a fulfilling life despite high-functioning anxiety's challenges.


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